Happy Birthday!
I know it's a little early but I won't be writing again until after you're 27. We put together your gingerbread house. Here's how it came out! (see attached) I tried to make the spider webs on the roof but they kinda ran together so on the other side I just made shingles. Your scriptures should be there soon.
Cumorah and her apartment are going to the temple open house and Ryan's sister, Katelynn, and Brenda (Beuhler). You may remember that we're going on the 24th. Cumorah might say something about that. We had all but Brenda over here last Friday. I made roast and then we watched "The Avengers" using our new projector and blueray player. We had a lot of fun.
Grandma and Al went down to Texas to see Logan receive his Eagle rank and Flent's marriage to Amy. They haven't posted any pictures yet but I told them that they had to, since most of us couldn't make it. They should be back Monday or Tuesday.
We are taking more invitations to the temple open house around to our neighbors tonight. Hope all is well there.