Tuesday, March 19, 2013

February 25, 2013

To Mom: As long as dad takes good care of it I don't mind and don't give away my gell pens that are in that little round thing. I forgot to bring my cord again so pictures will have to wait till next time.  I find that Singapore is very easy to get the layabout and they don't understand the word roufhouse.  So is the apartment just one level?  Is Faline still having trouble with reading and writing?  Did you know that there is now a nampa Idaho mission and a twin falls mission now?  Hopefully dad will have no trouble finding WiFi.

From Mom: Yes, Faline is still having trouble with her reading and writing, namely that she doesn't want to bad enough! I'm not sure what we're going to do to get her past that obstacle. Nothing will go well without knowing how to read and write. I didn't realize there was going to be a Twin Falls mission, too, but I did hear about Nampa.

To Michael: I figure I'll see you when I see you.  Mom is not going to like emails from either one of us because of how little detail we put in our emails.   That is what I feel like right now but when I get home it will be  so I might do what you do after a camping trip and sleep forever.

To Karlene: Maybe Faline should punch you in the but and see if you can feel it.  How big is your cat now?

To Faline: Silly goose I didn't hear from you this week.  Tell me next week how you're doing ok.  Till next time.

Sis Summer Ballantyne

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